Monday, July 14, 2008

The Storage Problem

But first, the Neglected Garden Problem

The Good Prince and I are not exactly the best home owners there are. It had been a few years since I last swept the back deck, and there were blackberry branches growing out between the slats on the landing. I'm not talking a few inches of bramble, I'm talking 10 feet of bramble, with thorns.

Now it's all clean. Looks kind of rustic, but clean:

And after our very wet and cold spring where the bird seeds pretty much molded instantly, I finally cleaned and put the feeders back up again. Now we sit and wait for the birds to arrive.

The Storage Problem

My shows came down at Abcedarian Gallery in Denver and at 23 Sandy Gallery in Portland, so all my pillow books are back at the house; in addition, Rake Art is closing its doors, so I have all my paintings back at the house too. And since guests are about to show up, I can't use the guest bedroom as a storage room anymore. So here was the gocco room; clearly, I'm not going to be doing much printing in this condition:

Then it occurred to me that I don't need to store all the framed pieces in the closet, they can be stored on the walls! Why didn't I think of this earlier? The new arrangement:

And now the gocco room is usable again.


Michael5000 said...

If you need more wall space...

fingerstothebone said...

M5K -- you're willing to rent me some wall space, are you?