Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catch up some, fall behind some

While I'm busy doing admin/marketing/business related stuff, I'm falling behind in my studio work. There's been no progress on the game, or the painting experiments, but I—

1. attended the Westside Cultural Alliance's panel discussion on artists/arts organizations and the media
2. shopped around for floor options for the soon to be revamped studio annex
3. completed and submitted my final RACC project grant report (still need to deliver hardcopies of a variety of things)
4. prepped the studio & studio annex for Monday's demolition derby
5. sorted through years of accumulated diskettes, CDs, and old technical books to get ready to take them for recycling or resell

Now this last item seems only remotely related to my studio life since it's all the Good Prince's stuff, but I do need to occupy the space when I'm doing computer stuff. I was convinced that he would find a family of possums living in the corner once he dug out the boxes, paper, old computer stuff that have been accumulating since 1995 (it hasn't been cleaned in all these years!), but alas, no such luck.

So, the knock-out-the-wall-guy is showing up at 9-10am tomorrow morning!

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