Monday, January 07, 2008

Pillow book IV, day n+4

Time to get back to work. But first, a picture of Laura's inspiring coat, which she drew on to match her purse:

This is the game piece. For a list of all the words in this piece, this this entry. Here you see Brother and Recognize in 8 layers of gocco printed tulle. I had originally figured I'd only use 6 of the 8 that I printed for each word, but after stacking them up, the individual flaws didn't really show much, so I've decided to use all 8 sheets.

Here they're pinned up 2 layers each, to make 4 pages. But looking at these, I think 2 layers is too faint.

So I decided on 3 pages of 3, 3 and 2 layers, with the 2-layer being the bottom page. Here are the 2 3-layer pages:

I also now realize that the gray fabric I bought for this is too dark, and actually I'm really liking the pieces over white. So I'll be heading back to the fabric store tomorrow and see what else I find.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

thanks for sharing the coat/bag thing - and I love the way the words stack up . . .