Sunday, January 06, 2008

One lazy day begets another

...and so nothing was accomplished in the studio today. I did do all my Sunday chores, some of them twice, but I'll spare you the details. Although it felt pretty good to not work today, I must admit.

How time flies! As promised, I gave the Good Prince a haircut tonight. And looking at the aftermath on the floor, there's but one tenth of what used to be there 18 years ago. Clean up is easier, yes. When I took the sheet out to shake off, the tree by which I do this is now 20 feet tall, and it was just 2 and half feet tall when I first shook out the haircutting sheet standing by it.

And now I have to wear bifocals to cut his hair!

We'll have been in the house 17 years this summer. And have we improved upon it since we took up residence? Nooooooo...


Anonymous said...

You couldn't have been together for 17 years! Was it that long already? God, time flies and my kids are still so small! When are they going to leave home? Hey, I got myself a xiao today. You'll read about it later.


fingerstothebone said...

Yup, hard to believe, but 17 years come April. Last year, we decided we should look up what 16th anniversary was — you know, paper, tin, silver, gold, etc — not having celebrated anniversaries 1 through 15; turns out, 16th is the first year WITHOUT a thing, a whatever you call it.

Just our luck.

Michael5000 said...

Aww, this is a very sweet post....

fingerstothebone said...

M5000 -- and I should think it a very mature post as well.

Sundry said...

I enjoyed this a lot. Thanks.