Thursday, August 02, 2007

Where to begin?

Well, in chronological order, I guess -- finished trimming my paper, yay, now I just need to sit down and start printing. Had a fun visit with Samantha & Stephen in the afternoon...but of course, I had no prints in progress to show them.

For the web site, we decided to leave the banner alone for a while and get moving on other parts first. I'm experiencing banner fatigue -- this morning I woke up and thought, hmmmm, why do *I* care what the banner looks like? It should just be whatever she says she wants. Not an attitude I like to have.

But the highlight of the day was Andrew & Beth's Going Away AGAIN party. The hot topic of the night -- sock darning, and an actual sock was darned during the evening. Other lesser topics were discussed as well, like Andrew & Beth's cross country move, how Mr. & Mrs. 5000 met, and the length of Laura's femur.

The movie of the week (saw it last Tuesday) was The Simpsons. I wasn't sure about seeing it, since we had never seen the TV show, I figured I would miss all the jokes. Well, I might've missed some of the jokes, but it was still pretty good.

And this was another load of chard that I harvested yesterday, along with a big bucket of strawberries, which I think I harvested too early, in my haste to beat the raccoons to them.


Michael5000 said...

Mrs. 5000 told you about how I found her drunk and retching in the gutter? How through my kindness, patience, and good example I convinced her to give up the gambling, the drugs, and her relationship with Tony "the Squid" Magliacci? How I got her record expunged so she could go back to high school and have a second shot at life?

I'm surprised. She usually doesn't like to talk about that stuff. She usually makes up some nonsense about personal ads.

Anonymous said...

Ah, well, had my sainted husband been there to tell his version of the story, maybe it wouldn't have been relegated to a "lesser topic." But could any single narrative of life and love have been more stirring than that spontaneous communal outpouring of shared grief and wisdom on the topic of socks? OK, presumably yes. But it did set a very high standard. . .

gl. said...

hmmm, second-hand stories are even more entertaining. :)

i usually end up waiting until the slugs have taken a bite of a strawberry before i harvest it; if i try it earlier, they aren't ripe yet. then i cut away the slug bite and cut them up for the freezer.

fingerstothebone said...

Actually Mr. 5000, the Mrs. mentioned, quite discreetly of course, that she was volunteering for the state prison system to teach inmates how to read; you know, those who don't already know how. And you were her star pupil.

In fact, you have excelled so excellently, that you've now moved on to pre-1950 classics. Quite the stupendous feat, for you...

She is ever so proud of you! And now she thinks you're a saint.

fingerstothebone said...


Yes, slugs are nice in that they're willing to share, and I'm happy to share with them too. But those raccoons take no prisoners, and they leave me no choice but to eat my strawberries the day before they're ready! It's cruel and inhumane, I know, but what else can I do?