Sunday, April 29, 2007

Coming down with somethin'

I'm pretty sure I'm sick. It's hard to tell in the spring sometimes, but it feels different from allergies. The throat is sore in a different way than normal, and I'm feeling pretty tired even though I haven't done that much today. Did scan Margaret's images for her web site, and went to the play tonight; and bought and put together a new chair. My chair broke a few weeks ago and I've just been sitting on it while it wobbled around. And today, I just didn't feel like working so hard to keep myself seated in the chair anymore, so when Mike offered to stop at the office supply store while on his errands, I took him up on it, and went along. And voila, I have a new chair. Yay! (And Mike even put the chair together, how's that for service!)

Now I'm ready to go lie down...

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