Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We are so fortunate

Met Roslyn for lunch today and found out she's about to have surgery. She's the umpteenth friend who's encountered serious enough of a health issue that requires something as drastic as this. And of course, Roxanne passed away last fall. We are seriously fortunate, having nothing really wrong with us that can't be taken care of with some care and exercise.

Picked up my CD's from Aaron this morning, but I haven't had a chance to look at the photos yet, maybe tomorrow morning before I head off to Bend.

Off to visit my mom for a couple of days. Went shopping for potstickers makings this afternoon so I can make some potstickers while I'm there. That should keep everyone entertained for the afternoon. And they'll have some dumpling/potstickers to keep in the freezer for a bit.

Spent most of the afternoon cleaning up about 2/3 of the branches from when I pruned the plum this last winter. I feel like there are 3001 projects and about 3000 of them are not going to get done! Maybe I'll get inspired to take a couple of snapshots this weekend.

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