Monday, November 12, 2007

Pillow Book I, day 3

Well, it counts...I did some reconnaissance for the pillow book today, so I'm counting this as Day 3. After Shu-mei's suggestion (more like insistence) that I look into a serger for finishing the edges of the tulle pages, I went to Montavilla Sewing today with a few sheets of my tulle scraps. The sales person thought the serger would do the trick, and I got him to finish the edges of 2 sheets of the tulle so I can test them out.

The result — it worked, ie, the sheets no longer get caught up in each other and I can turn the pages just fine. But there are still a few problems:

1. The tulle stretches, and it's very hard to finish it with the edges all lying perfectly flat.

2. The sheets don't want to lie flat against each other, both because there's no added weight and because the edges are no longer flat. With the silk bindings, the binding added enough weight that the sheets would lie flat against each other, but with the serged edges, the sheets don't lie flat. And the sheets must lie flat against each other for the image to appear clear enough to read.

3. I'm now questioning my original concept of a linear sequence, of the pages turning as in a book. Although memory loss is progressive, it does not happen in a linear fashion like that, at least not Alzheimer's. So I'm thinking something that works more in a non-linear, comes-and-goes fashion would work better.

So it's back to the drawing board. In the mean time, I'm going to start printing the next image. For the previous entry on this pillow book, see Day 2.

On other fronts — there was more business stuff to take care of, phone calls/emails to return, prints, cards, & Pudding to pack up and ship out. I have 1 more phone call to make, then all of the dangling Portland Open Studios stuff is taken care of, for now.

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