Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I'm ready for the week to be over now

Another long day today, preparing for tomorrow. Packed for the Atkinson Elementary school thing. Packed for the City Hall event (thank you Gretchin for helping me out, once again!). Packed for the Chinese Garden event. I went ahead and made the screen for the Garden demo, otherwise, if the weather is bad tomorrow, I may have trouble getting a really good screen made.

I think I'm all ready for tomorrow now. Went to the PDX Panel preview tonight (first night it opened). By the time I got there, the pieces I had had my eyes on were mostly sold, and they were certainly all sold by the time I made my way all the way around the 300 panels. 4 of the Portland Open Studios artists' panels had sold (not mine though). One of them I had my eyes on. Too bad. There are still others that I'm interested in as well, but I'd have to think about them more (which of course means they'll be sold by the time I make up my mind!).

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