Thursday, December 13, 2007

Now for something completely different...

Yes, a whole extra entry just for the now famous chicken hats from Liv and Lotus.

The hat itself:

And the chicken with the head:

I have permission from Hat Maker Herself that I may embellish it. So, the chicken might get fancied up...but then again, I might be all talk and no action.


Bridget said...

Hurray! Chicken hat!
Thank you . . .

Michael5000 said...


Double dog dare you to wear it to the opera.

fingerstothebone said...

Bridget, now it's your turn to show yourself in a chicken hat.

Mr.5000, that ain't much of a challenge, I'm afraid. The way I normally dress for the opera, the chicken hat might be an upgrade.

Anonymous said...

Très cute! I love it.

gl. said...

you look better in the chicken hat than i do! :D

fingerstothebone said...

Ah, gl, you little grasshoppah, it is the chicken hat that makes you look good. And the chicken hat is very democratic, she makes everyone look good.

And Mr. 5000, little chicken hat has done gone to the opera, the Metropolitan Opera that is. See The Exploits of Chicken Hat for the juicy details.

gl. said...

*gasp* shu-ju, you started a blog for your chicken hat! i think I LOVE you! (or, if you ever watched 'firefly': "you're my kind of stupid.")

fingerstothebone said...

Love and adoration gladly accepted here!