Sunday, September 09, 2007

String 'em up by their toenails

Go see No End In Sight and I'm sure you'll feel the same about a certain "president" (who was not elected in the first place) and his incompetent cronies.

Well, the rest of the day -- didn't get much accomplished. Mr. Fingers and I went to Marion Forks to meet my mom and Marion (!) for lunch. 4 hour trip and a couple of hours for lunch. Mr. Fingers also helped with trying to figure out the printer, and immediately found that there's a newer version of the printer/scanner driver software available than what came with the package. That fixed one of the problems. The other problem, no printing screened output, he thinks he can come up with some solution, for a mere $2000. I offered him a smooch instead. (Hey, I didn't get even a smooch for the nifty little coil bound book I made him!)


gl. said...

erm, mr. fingers?

fingerstothebone said...

Yeah, Mr. 5000 started calling Mike Mr. Fingers[tothebone], so I'm following suit...